Ali your mind’s like an astronaut who’s stepped out on a new planet way beyond Pluto after a solo journey of years; leaving a trailing flotsam of protective safety gear carelessly in your wake and are now existing at the maximum meaning of independent at your brightest in the thin air of a different orbit and you send us your thoughts. They gild time. Stay unsafe.
My brain is quite frazzled at the moment but I’ve been wondering recently if my desire to write purely fiction at the moment (sadly I can’t actually do that or there would be no food on our table) stems from lots of what you’ve so movingly explored here. I don’t know if you feel this, I certainly do, that once you’ve written a trauma memoir there is a certain view held on everything you write after that by some people. For example one of the MS’s I’m playing with right now has a thoroughly unlikeable male, super racist, transphobic and the work keeps telling me that actually some of the most tender parts of the story need to come from him & it’s scary and I wish I could quieten down the voices of the whole host of people who likely will never read it anyway given how shy I’ve become about actually publishing work . So yeah , I hear you sister x
Ali your mind’s like an astronaut who’s stepped out on a new planet way beyond Pluto after a solo journey of years; leaving a trailing flotsam of protective safety gear carelessly in your wake and are now existing at the maximum meaning of independent at your brightest in the thin air of a different orbit and you send us your thoughts. They gild time. Stay unsafe.
My brain is quite frazzled at the moment but I’ve been wondering recently if my desire to write purely fiction at the moment (sadly I can’t actually do that or there would be no food on our table) stems from lots of what you’ve so movingly explored here. I don’t know if you feel this, I certainly do, that once you’ve written a trauma memoir there is a certain view held on everything you write after that by some people. For example one of the MS’s I’m playing with right now has a thoroughly unlikeable male, super racist, transphobic and the work keeps telling me that actually some of the most tender parts of the story need to come from him & it’s scary and I wish I could quieten down the voices of the whole host of people who likely will never read it anyway given how shy I’ve become about actually publishing work . So yeah , I hear you sister x