The rhythm of writing is so important, and rarely discussed! Children's books are a great way to discover writing with musical prose that flows like magic when you read it aloud (Gobbolino The Witch's Cat is an absolute delight on this front). Like you, I'm unable to read books that don't possess this quality. I'm reading Kitchen Confidential by Anthony Bourdain at the moment and the musicality or the writing is surprisingly sublime. I must find out who the ghostwriter was, if indeed there was one.
Children's books can be great for rhythm. I read everything aloud when I'm writing, sometimes I beat it out too to check the rhythm, also record it and listen to it back. It's a real obsession. And works with characters too - no one speaks in the same rhythm. I reckon Bourdain wouldn't have a ghostwriter, he was on first name terms with the dark arts.
The rhythm of writing is so important, and rarely discussed! Children's books are a great way to discover writing with musical prose that flows like magic when you read it aloud (Gobbolino The Witch's Cat is an absolute delight on this front). Like you, I'm unable to read books that don't possess this quality. I'm reading Kitchen Confidential by Anthony Bourdain at the moment and the musicality or the writing is surprisingly sublime. I must find out who the ghostwriter was, if indeed there was one.
Children's books can be great for rhythm. I read everything aloud when I'm writing, sometimes I beat it out too to check the rhythm, also record it and listen to it back. It's a real obsession. And works with characters too - no one speaks in the same rhythm. I reckon Bourdain wouldn't have a ghostwriter, he was on first name terms with the dark arts.